Yesterday we took a little jaunt into the city because I felt the need to search for some more fabric. I don't have a glorious stash of dressmaking fabric, and I intend to keep it that way. I'd rather buy fabric and make something before I buy more. Of course if I was lucky enough to travel to a place that had loads of fabric I liked, there might be a wee stash built up.
In Christchurch we have limited options for fabric shopping, and the biggest is found at Spotlight, which has all kinds of craft supplies, home decor materials, homewares, quilting and sewing departments. You could get quite excited at the thought of it, but then you remember all of your previous visits for fabric, which involved searching through bolts and bolts of hideous prints, cheap feeling fabrics and messy piles. There are some quite lovely evening types of fabrics, but I'm not in the business of making silk or velvet gowns (yet). Unfortunately things to my taste are few and far between. I did find three things to purchase. I got this pretty cotton.
It is quite a loose weave, which I wasn't sure about, but it looks fresh and cool for summer. I bought some navy bias binding for trim.I pounced on this cotton sateen. When I victoriously pulled it out to show off to Johnny he wasn't nearly as enthusiastic as me.
Unfortunately there wasn't heaps left on the bolt, so I'm not sure if I have enough for a sheath dress, or just a skirt.
They had a selection of Japanese lawn fabrics, which are light and finely woven. This one caught my eye.
No wonder, with these wee creatures here and there. I am picturing a blouse.
Everyone loves a free thing with a purchase, and I was the recipient of this cute wee sewing kit in a tin.
It contains an assortment of useful bits and pieces. I guess maybe I could take it on holiday with me? From previous experience foot emergencies are more likely than sewing emergencies whilst on holiday.
I'm almost finished another project. The bodice looks fabulous compared to my last dress, so hopefully it looks good once finished.
Love the fabrics....I have seen that black floral made into dresses somewhere...very expensive is great fabric, will make a lovey skirt xxx