Sunday, 7 December 2014

Sewing Megan

Finally some time to do a bit of sewing. The Crafty Neighbour and I got together yesterday for a bit of crafty fun. I had a quilt to finish binding. I am afraid it wouldn't win any prizes for neat sewing, but it is snuggly, warm and colourful, so fits the purpose. 

Not a flash photo, but you get that with the I-pad. I used a roll of Kaffe Fassett fabrics and created a wave effect with the quilting to provide texture. It is machine quilted and bound. I usually hand bind because my accuracy is very rough and ready, but just went for it this time. 

I found some tulip fabric to have a go at a dress from Tilly's lovely book. 

I had a go an making a toile for Tilly's Megan dress, and needed to make some alterations to the fit. 
I need a lower neck because the high neck makes me look matronly with my generous bust. I lengthened both the bodice and the skirt. The bust fits but I altered the line of the dart to point to my apex. I am going to try a bias binding turning at the neck rather than facings to see if I can do it. 
The fabric is rather loud! It has a touch of stretch and is very easy to handle. Cotton blend I think. 
There is a sleepy helper nearby. 

I'm quite worried this will be another disaster project, and I'll be too embarrassed to show it off. I won't know until it is finished, so I'd better get on with it.